Blog posts
It’s Not About You
No one cares nearly as much about you as they do about themselves. Fact. Sounds terrible, but it's true. When someone interacts with your brand, if they don't quickly feel seen and understood by you, they won't stick around. If your About page or Home page are full of "I (blah di blah) . . . Then I (such and such). And I (. . . )," your readers will fade fast. Does that mean you should be absent from...
Empathy as a Powerful Marketing Tool
When the conversation shifts to marketing, empathy isn't usually the first topic of discussion. Why not? Probably because we're not very good at empathy, on the whole. Sad but true, most of us were not modeled a lot of empathy in our early lives, and so it's not a natural response for us. And yet, empathy is our most powerful marketing tool. Empathy changes everything. Above all, empathy changes how we feel. It changes how everyone involved feels. Giver and...
Three Good Things // eight
// THREE GOOD THINGS: a regular feature in which I share three good things about my month, mostly personal, in the hopes that you will also reflect on the good in your life. // One good thing about my month is that I can taste freedom. I can see the light at the end of this long, dark tunnel. New possibilities are igniting. And I'll be able to hug my dad soon. That's everything. Another good thing is that I...
Link Worthy // nine
[A compilation of interesting and useful links.] // Alexandra Franzen on pratipaksha bhavanam: how to remain calm when all around you panic, and be deliberate when surrounded by chaos. // Feeling of the Month Club. Discover your feelings by mail. Who doesn't love getting mail? That you can CREATE with! // A continuation on the story of mental burden that (mostly) women bear. This time, with cooking. // How to find fun in tedious tasks. Brilliant advice. // Fifty writing...
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