Blog posts
Three Good Things // six
// THREE GOOD THINGS: a regular feature in which I share three good things about my month, mostly personal, in the hopes that you will also reflect on the good in your life. // I've had my head down for a while, brainstorming new offers and streamlining how to communicate my work with you. New photos, new website design, new energy—all coming soon. In the meantime, here are three good things about my month: One good thing about my month...
Honesty, the Best Policy
[Photo by Yoann Boyer on Unsplash] In my town, the police department decided to place a squad car in the median, manned with a stuffed dummy—wire-rimmed sunglasses and all—to try to deter drivers from speeding. We all fall for it the first couple times we drive by, braking as we pass, even if we’re not speeding. But when the car sits in the same spot for a few days, or when it reappears in a similar spot a couple weeks...
Link Worthy // seven
[A compilation of interesting and useful links.] // Marsh Somorodi on being bored, and the one thing getting in our way of it. // Read this (and do this) again and again and again. (How to get ANYTHING done.) // How to nail your perfect intro. // Bernadette Jiwa, insightful as always: "It's easy to describe features and benefits, and far harder to demonstrate what you stand for and why." Are you a giver or a taker? Also, I can't...
Don’t Forget to Pause
[Photo by Eduard Militaru on Unsplash] Life has become so full of DOING that we spend little to no time just BEING. From the moment we wake up to the moment we lay our heads back down on our pillows, we fill our days with continual action, words, and thoughts. Pausing feels inefficient. Like a waste of time. Like an impossibility. And yet, we hear that pausing on a regular basis is exactly what we need to feel more fulfilled...
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