I help people fall in love with your brand.
I create copy that tastes like your favorite meal, feels like a bubble bath, and keeps your ideal customers coming back for seconds.

You have a big vision about your business, but you struggle to put it into words.
You stare at the cursor or pore over your competition’s marketing, only to feel stuck when it comes time to put pen to paper. Or you put it off until later, but later never comes. Or maybe you have trouble getting to the point when you write.
Sound like you?
Simple truth: It’s hard to write for your own brand. Sometimes, you need a little perspective.
That’s where I come in.
I help you identify and communicate the transformation you create in your clients and customers so they become captivated by your work or products.
I help you get into the hearts and minds of your ideal clients and customers all by writing words that matter to them.
Keep reading.

i'm jamey jones
I am a copywriter.
I spent seven years working as a copywriter and researcher for a national dietary supplement company. Just before they sold to Clorox in 2015, I took the opportunity to strike out on my own (but not before being offered two important positions in the company, one of them being head copywriter—thanks but no thanks).
Now, I write for businesses I admire (across many different industries) run by people who are kind and authentic. The businesses I write for tend to be unconventional.
When I'm not writing copy or creating a content strategy, I'm trying out a new recipe or dish at a local eatery, hanging with my fam, learning something new, taking care of myself, or writing about all of the above (and more!) on my blog.
Want to know if we'd work well together?
Working with me is for you if:
You genuinely care about your clients and customers and take the time to put yourself in their shoes (or want to).
Your business is guided by a strong set of values.
You are a decent, caring human being. Over time, our relationship will feel more like a professional friendship than a transactional interaction.
You have plenty of ideas but have trouble putting them into words.
You don't know where to start with your copy.
You don't have time to write your copy.
You feel like you're too close to your message to be able to write good copy.
Working with me is NOT for you if:
You're okay with stretching the truth—A LOT—in order to get sales (or for any other reason).
You're in business for the money above all else. (Example: You'll compromise your values for a quick buck. That's a no-go for me.)
You want me to do ALL the work with absolutely no feedback or communication from you. (We are a team, or we don't work together.)
You expect me to jump on a call at a moment's notice over and over and over again. I have systems, schedules, and, yes, other clients. I will give your work PLENTY of attention. Thank you for understanding!

Media Bio
Jamey Jones is a copywriter who writes for unconventional businesses that put people and purpose before profits. (Spoiler alert—that means more profits!)
With over ten solid years of copywriting experience for clients across a range of industries, she cross-pollinates ideas and is always honing her craft. She blends creative copy and conversion techniques with end-customer research so that her words speak directly to the needs and desires of the audience.
She is a master of getting to the heart of a brand’s message by delighting the reader.
What she really does is play with words and emotions.
Before I worked with Jamey, I struggled to write copy that converts. She turned out to be the perfect fit. She really gets my voice, and now (thank god) writes all my copy. Plus, her copy converts so much better than mine!
Veronica Valli, Soberful online recovery programs
I highly recommend Jamey to anyone needing captivating copy that still sounds like it's come from the heart.
Hayley Stathis, naturopath, nutritionist, health coach
Work with Jamey if you want professional, approachable copy that connects with your audience.
Tara Hunkin, My Child Will Thrive
I would recommend Jamey to anyone needing copywriting that’s precise, concise, compelling, and easy to understand.
Bonnie Cooper, VP Marketing at Renew Life
Jamey is an amazing force in her ability to take difficult concepts and bring them to life.
Brenda Watson, CNC, founder of Renew Life and Vital Planet
Jamey is intelligent, organized, focused, and capable of doing the research and translating it into a suitable format for her readers.
Leonard Smith, MD, FACS, Medical Advisor to Renew Life
She puts her magic quality meter on every inch of her work.
Michael Black, creative director, photographer
She has earned my highest praise and recommendation.
Rick Miller, Being Chief
Always enthusiastic, with the most positive attitude of anyone I’ve ever met.
Holly Pappa, copywriter at Renew Life
The writing Jamey does for me sounds as though it is coming from me.
Bonnie Yonker, owner at The Yoga Sanctuary
Jamey provides great content that engages the reader.
Brian Wickersheim, owner at Asana Green
Choose your next adventure
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