Don’t Forget to Pause
Life has become so full of DOING that we spend little to no time just BEING.
From the moment we wake up to the moment we lay our heads back down on our pillows, we fill our days with continual action, words, and thoughts.
Pausing feels inefficient. Like a waste of time. Like an impossibility.
And yet, we hear that pausing on a regular basis is exactly what we need to feel more fulfilled and happy, and even to be more productive.
These necessary yet scarce pauses also apply to your copy.
You have an idea. You get excited about it. You start to write about it. And your excitement bubbles over into the writing. You talk about how excited you are while you write excitedly about this exciting new thing!!! And 1000 words later you’ve said, again and again, what you could have in 400.
By that point, you’ve lost people.
Don’t forget to pause.
In your life.
In your sentence.
In your email or sales page.
Give your reader space to EXPERIENCE your pause.
Tara Brach says it best in her book, Radical Acceptance:
“The well-known pianist Arthur Rubenstein was once asked, “How do you handle the notes as well as you do?” His response was immediate and passionate, “I handle notes no better than many others, but the pauses–ah! That is where the art resides.”
Where are your pauses?
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Blog posts
How to use Morning Pages to Brainstorm Content Ideas
It’s the Little Things
Three Good Things // nine
Link Worthy // ten
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