Three Good Things // two
//THREE GOOD THINGS: a regular feature in which I share three good things about my month, mostly personal, in the hopes that you will also reflect on the good in your life.//
This month has been full of good sprinkled with a little downright difficult. That’s life, right?
Let’s do this.
One good thing about my month is that I am officially launching my website. (Ta da!) After many, many months of painstakingly figuring out how the heck to code a custom WordPress website from scratch (with the amazing help of Web Designer Beauty School), I have finally birthed this baby.
What a challenging, rewarding, and empowering experience it has been to figure it all out. It feels amazing to say, “I built this.” Thank you for making that possible by simply being here.
Another good thing about my month is that I found out I am having a baby boy. (Surprise! I’m pregnant.) Not only am I birthing a website, but I’ll also be birthing a human. Change is a-comin’.
One more good thing is that spring is right around the corner. While Florida winter is what most people would call autumn, I always welcome the warmth after a frigid Florida February. Wah, wah, cry me a river. I know.
What were three good things (or one good thing!) about your week? I’d love to know. Send me an email to let me know.
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Blog posts
How to use Morning Pages to Brainstorm Content Ideas
It’s the Little Things
Three Good Things // nine
Link Worthy // ten
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